Sunday, January 20, 2013

About Me

So, yeah, I've tried blogging before. I should probably go through cyberspace and find my older blogs under various alias names, and delete them. And I will. Later. For now, I'm gonna start this blog off while I have some momentum going. I had no intention of starting a new blog today. It just kinda happened, and sometimes it's a good idea to go with the flow. Last week, I talked a coworker into starting a blog, and she did, it's always a good read (you can find her  @ ), so maybe this blog thing has just been there in the back of my mind since then?
Let me introduce myself. I'm one of those typical transplants from downstate, Brooklyn to be exact. My parents moved us up North when I was 6 yrs old. To Schroon Lake to be exact. Culture shock to a 6 yr old, not to mention my poor mother! She was used to putting the appropriate person into the baby buggy daily, (I've 3 sisters, so the buggy was in her life for quite a while) walking the local neighborhood to get meat from the butcher, bread and cannoli from the baker. We arrived in Schroon Lake, a town with only one grocery store, on a very December evening in 1969. I remember being amazed at how dark it was, the snow was was up my waist.
I am so very grateful for that brave decision they made, for it allowed me to still appreciate a good NY pizza, have an idyllic childhood spending every summer day at the public beach, and later in life, I came to appreciate the great outdoors while camping, kayaking, hiking.
So, that's how I penned this blogging name of mine "Brook2Adks". Brooklyn to Adirondacks, get it? Now, it would be most appropriate if my real name was really Brook, in fact, that would be very cool, But my parents didn't have that kind of foresight.
Just got back from a detox yoga class at Lemon Tree Yoga, so I'm hydrating today, drinking plenty of water, herbal tea appropriately named Shanti, and eating only fresh organic foods. The wind is howling out there to the point I'm worried about a pine tree landing on the roof, yet at the same time hopeful for a little power outage. Sometimes it's nice to have no hum of lightbulbs and appliances, lighting with candles and oil lamps, forcing me off electronics and relying on good old fashioned books. We are in for a cold snap the next few days. I'm cool with that. I don't go back to work for a few more days, I'm content to stay inside, going out for a walk later maybe.
I'm 49 years old. (yeah, the photo is a few years old, but it's an amazingly good photo of me! No sense having it just sit there in my photo album!) I'm a Mom to a son, he's a Special Forces Dude in the Army, although I prefer to think of him as some kind of GreenPeace Associate. I'm a practicing nurse working on my Bachelors, a Reiki practitioner, I practice yoga, and I love the Adirondacks. I love to cook, and prefer to eat what I've cooked myself. I hope to someday have a real garden. In the meantime I rely on Farmers Market in the summer. I don't laugh as often as I should, taking things a bit too seriously at times. I drive a big old SUV and often feel guilty because of that carbon footprint. Until I need to get to work on a day where there is 2 feet of snow. Or until I need to get all my camping gear and the kayak to some remote place with an incredible view. I'm a believer in the power of positive thinking, and while most people probably would think of me as optimistic, I can be very cynical and sarcastic, and sometimes even mean. I forgive myself for those things. I was raised as Catholic but haven't been to a church in a very long time.
So for now, this is my blog, let's see where it takes me.
This is a photo of the tea I'm enjoying. I get my tea @Sensibiliteas in Glens Falls NY @ The Shirt Factory.

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